Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dreary, dreary day

This has been one of the dreariest days since I've been in Barcelona.  It is about 45 degrees which isn't too, too cold but it's been raining since yesterday.  Sarah and I have a really nice schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, though, which was very accommodating to this nasty weather.  We have class from 9:00 until 10:30 and then not again until 5:30 so we were able to come back to our apartment and relax.

When I was in Ireland, Kristin lent me two books by Isabel Allende (Eva Luna and Daughter of Fortune).  I am hooked on these books so I was all too happy to spend the day reading.  I also bought another Dave Matthews Band cd (this is my sick obsession but my collection is almost complete!) so it was a splendid day, made possible because of the rain!

My dad, Emily and Paul are coming to visit on Saturday so I also spent some time figuring out what we would be doing while they are here.  It should work out well because I'll go with them to see a lot of the things I haven't seen yet (like La Sagrada Familia.... I thought I saw the outside of this building my first week here but I am almost certain that I was mistaken.  What a horror!  This is why I am not in architecture anymore-- I can't even discern one of the most famous buildings in the world from a more typical church!!).  Since the topic on my mind for 75% of the day is food, I also picked out restaurants for us.  I have gone out to lunch while I've been here but have yet to go out to dinner (my host family provides dinner) so I will be making up for lost time!!


  1. N.S.:

    Please try to refrain from commenting on your dreary, 45 degree, rainy days in Spain. In the past week, we have been bombarded with 30 inches of snow, and my roof is leaking into my family room.

    By the way, good luck with the PJFS.


  2. U.G.:
    Yes, 45 degrees and rain does sound better than rain in the living room.
    Mission accomplished with PJFS. See most recent entry!
