Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Last night, after a very nice dinner out with my family, Dana and I arrived back at our apartment building, ready for a good night of sleep.  We opened the door to blasting music, a knight, a princess, a queen, a pokera (apparently this is a woman wearing a mask and a shirt decorated with playing cards), a king, a nurse, a Chinese girl, and an American girl.  We could not turn down this party and would not wind up sleeping for many hours.

Our family was having friends over for Carnival.  We sat down and had cava (the Catalan version of Champagne) and Sarah danced salsa with the nurse and we were entertained by ridiculous Catalan stories.  I cannot do justice to this evening with words so here are some pictures instead.
<--Sarah and Amelia before Dana and I got back.  Sarah walked into the apartment and saw Amelia sitting at the end of the table by herself so she sat next to her and, wondering where Dana was, asked her "Hey, where's Dana?"
Amelia looked at her strangely and said "It's over."
Sarah: "No, where's Dana?"
Amelia: "We did it already."
Sarah: "Dana, with the long blond hair... our roommate!!"
Amelia paused for about 20 seconds and then said "ohhhh! That's her name!!"

Also, before Dana and I got back, the adults put on some sort of play with lots of sexual innuendos.  (Throughout the night, our host family was trying to protect our pure minds but their friends insisted on corrupting us.)  To the right you can see the pokera, the king, and the back of our host dad the knight.
Our host parents.  How cute!!  They kept on playing all of these songs and saying how romantic and sweet they were.  As the songs would play, they would explain the meanings to us very solemnly.  Then they played We Will Rock You and started banging on the table.  They took out more cava and finally, they played Born to Be Wild and the party really began!!!
Sexy nurse took Sarah by the hand and demanded salsa music.  The pokera told Amelia to tell the boys in her class that she was available and that she has everything they could ever want: big boobs and a sizable bum!  And then sexy nurse really cut loose...
The pokera just did not know what to make of the situation!!  Definitely the best start to Valentines Day EVER!!!!

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