Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Anecdote from Sarah P.

(This occurred in Pisa.)
Funny story – So Sarah G and I are in Italy sitting outside at this little restaurant (they only had outdoor seating) shooting the breeze and having some wine because it was around 7:00 and we had time to kill before dinner. So we’re sitting there and all of these guys trying to sell trinkets keep coming up to us and going “Si? Yes? You like.” but mostly mumbling because they never know what language to speak, and we just go “no, no, NO” (universal word - No). Well by the time the third or so guy comes up I’m like oh my gosh no! in fact I DO NOT want to buy dirty old socks and light up airplanes! So I don’t say anything and just pretend to fiddle with my sunglasses but he is a persistent one and says “ you speak English?, you like this? (while shoving plastic bracelets in my face), Italiano? Si?” When we still don’t respond he just looks at us and he goes “you don’t understand ‘how are you’ in English?” we just stare. So he asks, “what language you speak? French?” And Sarah quite boldly looks at him and  says, “Deutche.” He stares at us for like 30 seconds…..(thinking)…..and says “German?!?” We both nod and he walks away. Cue the hysterical laughter! On the train a similar vendor came and sat next to me, and this time I had the brilliant idea that when he tried to pawn off his merchandise I would just start using sign language (which I don’t know so it would more look like me just flailing my hands around) ….but then I realized I had my earphones in, probably wouldn't be very convincing...