Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring has Sprung

I think I started this blog about two weeks before coming to Barcelona and now it's about two weeks until I go home.  Two and a half weeks, really.  The time has gone really quickly but slowly at the same time.  January feels like AGES ago.  Well, it's not the time for a reflection on the past semester (though I have already started compiling a "Lessons I've Learned" list!) so moving on!

My mom and grandma were here this past week.  We did a LOT.  So much that I am completely exhausted now and I didn't even do everything with them!

We had planned on going to Montserrat but it was a rainy day so we went into the Cathedral of Barcelona courtyard.  There are a bunch of swans there too.

And we had a dinner party at our apartment.  My host mom made paella (this is an all-day endeavor because you have to get fresh seafood and she makes each ingredient separately so it's perfect).  We ate our meal and drank our cava and wine and liquor and got to dancing.  Then my host dad put on Afroman's "Because I Got High" and I had to get some photos of that (did you know that that song was nominated for a Grammy?!?!).

(We each had four glasses for dinner-- water, wine, cava, and liquor)

We also went to the Sagrada Familia.
The inside is a construction site!!!  I knew that going in but I was amazed because the workers are just going about their work with hundreds of people looking on.  But they act like I do at work and do what they have to do without even looking at the people watching them.

Saturday was gorgeous... a real beach day.
Unfortunately today was rainy and cold and tomorrow is supposed to be the same but I cannot wait to spend lovely days at the beach.

The big Barca-Madrid football game was on Saturday night.  I got home from dinner with my mom and grandma and my host family had some friends over to watch the game.  Dana, Amelia and I watched the game with them which was really fun.  They all got VERY into the game, jumping up and yelling and everything.  I wound up laughing at myself when I yelled at the tv.  I cannot take myself seriously sometimes.

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