Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Best job ever! (?)

The past two days, I have seen something so amazing.  This past summer, I decided that one of my life goals is to go up on a skyscraper as a window-washer.  You know those platform things that they stand on 80 storeys in the air?  Well, I want to do that.  After what I have seen these past few days, my goal is now revised.

I want to be one of them!!!  They are cleaning windows with only harnesses. 

This one is like where's Waldo.  I think he's changing lights, not cleaning windows.

Hint: look up by the letters...

This is a gas station here.  I've seen Vespas filling up but I think it'd be pretty difficult to park your car in the middle of the street where this is located.

This is just a better picture than the other one I put up here.

And it's finally sunny again!!  The cat decided Sarah's bed would be a good place for a rest.  She was not too happy about this one.

We went for a run to take advantage of this beautiful day.  My first run outside in years!  Very enjoyable until the tops of my feet started hurting...

Then we came back to our apartment and went up to the roof deck to look around.  AMAZING!  I will take pictures someday soon.  But you can see the ocean and Montjuic (mountain outside the city, translates to Mountain of the Jews or something like that because of an old Jewish cemetery located there).  It's an amazing view.  Plus there's a pool and there are some lounge chairs too.  We ate lunch out on our balcony in the sunshine.  So nice!

We leave for Ireland tomorrow morning!!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?!?! Ireland?! I'm sooo excited for you both... we NEED to get together this summer so you can just tell me all about it in person - however, for the time being this blog is amazing!

    Living vicariously through you :-)
