Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just for U.G. (Class synopsis)

Classes in Barcelona, as requested by my Uncle Gil.

I attend classes every day here, Monday through Friday.  My subject classes are held Monday through Thursday and Spanish is my only class on Friday.  My two most interesting classes are Catalan Cultural Perspective and Politics and Regionalism.  They're both helping me understand how Catalan culture works.

I am really enjoying my Spanish class.  It's long (three hours, three times a week) but in each class I feel like I'm learning things that are useful.  My vocabulary is getting bigger and I am learning a lot of language rules that I hadn't known.

Today I went to the post office and was able to communicate easily with the post office worker.  This was pretty cool.  Even though going to the post office at home is no big deal, here I have to figure out how to say what I want to say and on top of that, there are all kinds of little rules in Barcelona that I just don't know about.  For example, when I walked into the post office, there were a lot of people standing and sitting around but there was no line.  I stood there figuring it was just a kind of makeshift thing until a woman came in and took a ticket from a machine.  It turns out that the post office is run like a deli and you have to pick a number to get service.  One thing about the post office here and in the U.S. is the same though: the line takes a very long time to get through!!


  1. Where you been!?! Haha, I'm heading over to your apartment tonight for Greys -- sad :-( I MISS YOUUUU both... please keep updating!

  2. Thanks for the update.
    How many quizzes and exams have you taken?
    What are your grades?
    Are you passing?
    How hard are you studying?
    Do you need a tutor?
    Are you smarter or dumber than your classmates?

    Aunt Debbie saya hi.

