Hey there! This is the story of a girl (me) living (and studying) in Barcelona from January until April, 2010. I may have a tendency to become a bit professorial in these blog entries but you can always skip to the pictures. Anyway... welcome!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

brains in your head, feet in your shoes.

I know you must have been terribly disappointed that I missed a day blogging yesterday!  Don't worry, I am not abandoning the blog already.

Today was such a gorgeous day-- in the 50s and sunny.  It's hard to believe that it's the middle of January and this is the weather!  We went back to the port this afternoon for lunch.  Then we decided to wander around for a bit.  First we were going to walk towards the beach but when we realized that it would probably be a really long walk, we turned around and walked in another direction.

First some pictures from the walk in the direction of the beach: 

The water looks so gorgeous and there are SO MANY boats!  I am really envious and want to go sailing.  I was just looking into sailing lessons but they are kind of hard to come by.  But I will probably have to figure out some way to get on a sailboat!! 

This picture of me is pretty dark, I know but I haven't put many people pictures up so this'll have to do for now.

After we realized how far we were from the beach, we decided to walk around somewhere else.  We wandered down a side street and found ourselves in a Turkish neighborhood which was pretty cool.  There were some Russian restaurants too.

Then we turned onto another street.  There were some guys talking outside a restaurant and a girl standing watching them from the other side.  I looked across the street.  Another girl.  And on the corner, another one.  It dawned on me that we had wandered onto prostitute lane.  Sure enough, I looked further down the street and saw about 20 scantily dressed girls (okay, they were probably all around my age) standing around.  I picked up the pace and turned the corner with Sarah asking "what are you doing?? Why are you walking so quickly??"  I muttered under my breath "Didn't you look around?!?!?!?"

This has become the story of our explorations.  We wander around and if an area seems sketchy, I pick up the pace with Sarah obliviously saying "WHY ARE YOU SPEEDWALKING????"   As we are learning, Sarah has an eye for architecture over humanity.  We're working on balancing that out.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I just pictured the whole scene in my mind! I love you guys too much! =) miss youuuu bunches!

  2. Love it!!! I went to your place the other night - I missed you both greatly!

  3. Sarita:

    Why am I reading so little about what you're learning in class?

